Friday 20 July 2012

Converge on Main.

Tonight we headed out to support some of the local shops, search for a bridesmaid dress in a Nude tone (not as easy as you might think), and buy a friend a birthday present. We were unsuccessful on all counts, but had a great time perusing the treats in some of our favourite stores on Main.

First up: Barefoot Contessa


Nicola models a ring.

Next up: Lip Lounge

Last but not least: Front & Company (it was not part of the 'Converge' event, but we hit it up anyways, as it's one of our favs!)

If you're looking for summer dresses, Barefoot and the Lip Lounge are a good place to start. Front & Company is stocked with great accessories, as well as new, and gently used clothing. The latter takes a little patience at times, but if you're willing to spend the time, there are always some great bargains to be had. Although I've added the links to these stores on this post, most of them have facebook pages you can 'like' and will keep you in the loop with what's new on the racks.

If you have time this weekend, head to SOMA for some shopping. Let me know what you find. 

....and yes, I did get my swim in today. Thanks for asking! 

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